about us

Zion Assembly is a local church within the Kingdom Community Network of CongressWBN.

Zion Assembly is headquartered in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, pastored by Raleigh Wingfield

with his wife, E. Renee. This ministry was founded in 1985 and continues to this day by the

grace of God through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Our mission is to build the faith of the people, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We are dedicated to supporting the spiritual development,

and maturity of all believers through teaching the word of God and

building a strong community of the church.


"God’s Church Will Rebuild, Repair, And Restore To Its Generation, Basic And Fundamental Faith In God."

Isaiah 58:12

The church will be instrumental in the redemptive work of the Holy Spirit to deliver the lost and dying people from oppression and death by returning them to dependency on God. This is achieved by acts of grace and mercy, which God will show to the world through the active and relevant ministries of His church. Through the work of the church, God will prove His manifold wisdom and power to the heavenlies, while He looses chains of injustice, unties the cords of bondage, setting captives free on the earth – all through the exalted name of Jesus!